Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Meanwhile . . .

He met Betty. We'll call her Betty. He was working down in Bugs Bunny World serving a demotion period for a mistake at another ride of which he was a lead. He thought he would be serving his time while waiting to climb that ladder again. But then . . . there she was and he was hooked. The two of them dated steadily and realized they both had a common interest, bowling. He was an average bowler, but she was outstanding. It seems that she had been bowling all of her life and was one of the top youth bowlers in the state of Georgia. He just tried to keep the ball out of the gutter as often as he could manage.
Meanwhile he was repromoted and things were back on track at Six Flags. That ministerial calling was fading into the background as career and possible family interests were muting the call of God. Still, he couldn't complain about where life was going. Except for one thing . . . he needed a full time job to pay his full time bills. And Six Flags could not give that to him, at least not yet anyway. He made a decision which he still considers a mistake today, he left Six Flags and started working in a bowling center. He still wishes he would have stayed at SFOG but he would have more steady work and it didn't hurt that Betty worked at this bowling center.
Well a few months later he and Betty were engaged. He was the Assistant Manager at the bowling center and the future was bright. But off in the distance that still small voice was still whispering . . . You're mine and I have called you to something else, something more, something . . . but enough of that, let's bowl another game and get on with life . . .

1995 would change things, EVERYTHING. More to come . . .

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